Client: Archwing Studio
Agency: Studio Fry
Also in this project: branding, website, social media, and core pack videos
Branding and Art Direction: Pavitr Gupta
3D Artist and Compositor: Vidur Gupta
3D Modeller: Rahul Gupta
Motion Graphics Designer: Arush Dev
Make sure to check out the free to use products/core packs at https://imaginationinternationalinc.com/creatures-of-amalthea/
Very rarely do we get the opportunity to work with one of the best artists of our time. We got to work with Terryl Whitlatch, who has worked on some of the biggest IPs with Disney, Lucas Film, Pixar and WETA, in conjunction with Helpful Bear Productions and Archiwing studios to bring the world of Amalthea to life. Amalthea is a world inhabited by fantastical creatures. Our team had the honour of creating everything from the branding, website, to the cinematic video. The first thing we launched is Creatures of Amalthea, a free to use online portal that teaches aspiring artists how to create fantastical creatures. It also includes curriculumn for a varing range of educators from High School all the way up to graduate students, learning everything from anatomy to character studies, evolution to aesthetics.